Book Chapters:
Magazine Articles:
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Petit, J.-M., Abedin, A., Kavelaars, JJ, Re-Calculation of Impact and Cratering Rates onto Pluto, Charon, and Arrokoth and Their Younger Surface Ages.
Non-Refereed Papers:
Conference Participation:
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Juric, M., Volk, K., “Identifying the dynamical nature of small bodies in the Solar System that inform planet formation and evolution” talk to be presented at the Rare Gems in Big Data conference, Tucson, AZ, upcoming May 2024.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Juric, M., “Jupiter’s Metastable Companions” talk to be presented at the Division for Dynamical Astronomy Conference, Toronto, ON, upcoming May 2024.
Greenstreet, S., Eggl, S., Rawls, M., Juric, M., “The Impact of Satellite Constellations on Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)” talk to be presented at the Division for Dynamical Astronomy Conference, Toronto, ON, upcoming May 2024.
Greenstreet, S., “NEO Science Synergies Between NEO Surveyor and Rubin Observatory” talk to be presented at the Science with NEO Surveyor workshop, San Diego, CA, upcoming May 2024.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Juric, M., “Jupiter’s Metastable Companions” talk presented at the COOMOT2 workshop, 2024.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Petit, J.-M., Abedin, A., Kavelaars, JJ, “Re-Calculation of Impact and Cratering Rates onto Pluto, Charon, and Arrokoth and Their Younger Surface Ages” talk presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference, 2023.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Juric, M., “Secure Identification of Metastable Jovian Co-orbitals” poster presented at the Asteroids, Comets, & Meteors Conference, Flagstaff, AZ, 2023.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Juric, M., “Jupiter Trojan Temporary Interlopers” iPoster presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference, 2022.
Greenstreet, S., Lu, E., Juric, M., Moeyens, J., “The Asteroid Discovery, Analysis, and Mapping (ADAM) platform” iPoster presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference (virtual), 2021.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., “Centaurs and Jovian Co-orbitals with High Inclinations” poster presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference (virtual), 2020.
Greenstreet, S., Lu, E., Loucks, M., Carrico, J., Kichkaylo, T., “Required deflection impulses as a function of time before impact for Earth-impacting asteroids” poster presented at the Planetary Defense Conference in College Park, MD, 2019.
Greenstreet, S., Loucks, M., Carrico, J., Lu, E., Kichkaylo, T., “Required deflection impulses as a function of time before impact for Earth-impacting asteroids” iPoster at the American Astronomical Society Meeting in Seattle, WA, 2019.
Greenstreet, S., Ngo, H., Gladman, B., “Near-Earth Asteroids on Retrograde Orbits” talk presented at the NWxSW Astronomy Meeting in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2018.
Greenstreet, S., Ngo, H., Gladman, B., “A main-belt source for retrograde jovian co-orbital asteroids” talk presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference in Knoxville, TN, 2018.
Greenstreet, S., Seale, S., Rivera, J., Skinner, R., "Las Cumbres Observatory Partners With Local Museums In “Experience The Eclipse” Community Program" poster presented at the Division for Planetery Sciences Conference in Provo, UT, 2017.
Greenstreet, S., Farnocchia, D., Lister, T., "Measuring the Yarkovsky effect with Las Cumbres Observatory" poster presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference in Provo, UT, 2017.
Greenstreet, S., Lister, T., Gomez, E., “Preparing for LSST with the LCO NEO Follow-up Network” talk presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences Conference in Pasadena, CA, 2016 and at the Hotwiring the Transient Universe V Conference in Philadelphia, PA, 2016.
Greenstreet, S., Lister, T., Gomez, E., “Preparing for LSST with the LCOGT NEO Follow-up Network”, talk presented at the Hotwiring the Transient Universe V Conference in Philadelphia, PA, 2016.
Greenstreet, S., Lister, T., Gomez, E., Christensen, E., Larson, S., “Results from the LCOGT Near-Earth Object Follow-up Network” poster presented at the DPS Conference in National Harbor, MD, 2015.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., McKinnon, W. B., “Impact and Cratering History of the Pluto System” talk presented at the DPS Conference in Tucson, AZ, 2014.
Greenstreet, S., Alexandersen, M., Gladman, B., Kavelaars, J.J., Petit, J.-M., Gwyn, S., “The First Known Uranian Trojan and the Frequency of Temporary Giant-Planet Co-Orbitals” talk presented at the DPS Conference in Denver, CO, 2013.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., “High-Inclination Atens ARE Rare” talk presented at the DPS Conference in Reno, NV, 2012.
Greenstreet, S., Gladman, B., Ngo, H., Granvik, M., Larson, S., “Production of Near-Earth Asteroids & High-Strength Meteoroids on Cometary (?) Retrograde Orbits” talk presented at the ACM Conference in Niigata, Japan, 2012.
Greenstreet, S., Ngo, H., Gladman, B., Granvik, M., Larson, S., “Production of Retrograde NEAs” talk presented at the DPS Conference in Nantes, France, 2011.
Greenstreet, S., Ngo, H., Gladman, B., “The toasty Solar System: Inside Earth's orbit” poster presented at the DPS Conference in Pasadena, CA, 2010.
Conference Proceedings:
37 (non-first-author) presentations at 29 conferences between October 2011 and February 2024.
Minor Planet Electronic Circulars:
537 publications between May 2011 and May 2024.
ISS and Dragon capsule flying overhead in Bellingham, WA on April 16, 2015 (Photo credit: Matt Greenstreet)